
Sharing the Miracles of Jesus in the Islands of Fiji

The Need

Fiji is a developing nation in the South Pacific consisting of over 332 islands and more than 522 smaller islets. The islands are incredably beautiful and many tourists come to enjoy the sunshine and sandy beaches. The reality is that outside of the tourist resorts there are many underserved areas that struggle with emergency evacuations and the delivery of medical and dental services.

The Challenge

As in any island nation, transportation is difficult, expensive and even dangerous at times. How can government health agencies, private aid groups, and church organizations meet the growing needs in the outer islands?

The Solution

Jesus said "GO"! MiracleAir's objective is to share the love of Jesus in the islands by providing cost effective transportation that will support the Ministry of Health and foreign and national medical/dental teams. Our focus is to deliver life changing services to the outer islands of Fiji all in the Spirit of Christ.

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Getting Ready to Launch...

As you can imagine... beginning a new aviation ministry when none has ever existed takes a lot of planning and resources. Please pray for us as we seek His continued leading in the future. Read our latest newsletters...

Our desire is to alleviate suffereing and share the love of Jesus


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